1. Introduction
With the proposed “carbon peak” and “carbon neutrality” goals, green low-carbon machinery has become an inevitable trend in industrial development, and all industries have put forward further requirements for the performance of hydraulic machinery such as pumps and turbines. Additionally, high speed, large flow, and high stability have become the targets pursued by hydraulic machinery researchers [1,2]. However, with the high speed of hydraulic machinery, the problem of component sealing is becoming more and more prominent, and the problems of sealing penetration and sealing failure often lead to the deterioration of mechanical properties.
As a new type of intelligent material [3,4,5], magnetic fluid, solved the sealing problem of the movable parts of space suits as early as 1960 [6], and it is now widely studied by scholars and applied in many fields such as aerospace, military machinery, hydraulic machinery, and medical equipment [7,8,9,10,11]. In recent years, through the continuous research of scholars, a large number of theoretical, experimental, and numerical simulation studies have been carried out on the static and dynamic properties of magnetic fluid seals and the seals under different working conditions, and different factors affecting their sealing performance have been analyzed.
As early as the 1980s, Romanian researchers I. Anton et al. [12] proposed that the parameters of key sealing components are closely related to sealing performance, and sealing performance is related to the shape, speed, and clearance of are teeth. Zhang et al. [13] showed that increasing the number of pole teeth can significantly improve the sealing ability of a ferrofluid seal, but the sealing pressure of ferrofluid does not linearly increase with the increase in the number of pole teeth; additionally, changing the sealing structure can increase the sealing pressure by 3.5 times. Through experimental calculation and analysis, Chen Fangyu [14] et al. found that changes in magnetic fluid viscosity and temperature had a certain impact on sealing performance. Cheng Y et al. [15] proposed a new type of liquid sealing device, which introduced soft iron bushing with high permeability on the shaft, and installed non-ferrous metal shielding on the bushing and pole tooth edge. This device shows good performance and long service life in sealing lubricating oil.
A magnetic fluid seal has already entered the practical stage and is very established for gas and vacuum environment seal applications. Many scholars have obtained a relatively complete application and theoretical system by optimizing the structural design and analyzing different factors affecting sealing performance [16,17,18]. However, in practical sealing applications, the interaction between the fluid layer and the particles induced by the fluid layer friction of the ferromagnetic fluid base liquid and the unbalanced rotation of solid particles is dissipative, and the kinetic energy dissipation manifests as a temperature rise in the magnetic fluid [19]. It has been proven that the sealing life of ferromagnetic fluid is mainly affected by the evaporation rate of the base load liquid under non-harsh working conditions. Additionally, under the action of thermal field, the magnetization property of ferrofluid is significantly degraded and the sealing property is reduced.
Therefore, in order to realize the permanence and high reliability of a ferrofluid seal, it has become the research goal of most researchers to reveal the mechanism of action between the operating conditions and the thermal characteristics of ferrofluid. Polish scholar L. Matuszewski et al. concluded through experimental research that rotation speed has a great influence on the performance of a magnetic fluid seal, and the higher the speed, the smaller the pressure resistance value of the seal and the shorter the service time of the seal [20]. Kahnamouei Y N used the two-phase mixing model and controlled volume technology to conduct numerical research on the fluid mechanics and thermal characteristics of the flow, and found that the negative-gradient magnetic field has similar effects to the buoyancy force, which increases the Nussel number, while the positive-gradient magnetic field reduces the Nussel number [21]. Liu et al. focused on the secondary flow in the axial clearance of magnetic fluid rotation, and used the spectral finite difference method with new mapping function to study the secondary flow of magnetic fluid by changing the shape of the polar teeth and the seal clearance, and found that the secondary flow increased as the shape of the polar teeth became sharper, and that the pressure drop decreased with the increase in rotational speed [22]. K. Ajith et al. established a new relationship between the thermal conductivity, viscosity, and density of magnetic fluid and the application of the magnetic field by studying the thermal physical properties of magnetic fluid, indicating that the magnetic field strength has a certain influence on the heat transfer performance of the magnetic fluid [23]. Yibiao Chen et al. studied the flow state and boundary of the magnetic fluid in a seal gap by using the finite volume method, and found that the boundary and flow are affected by the pressure difference and rotational speed, and the flow volume and contact volume decrease with the increase in rotational speed [24]. Through a simulation calculation, American scholars Ganguly et al. found that the heat transfer performance increased with the increase in magnetic field intensity, and the number of dipoles had a certain impact on the flow heat transfer [25].
In addition, the researchers adopted external cooling methods to solve the effect of temperature rise on sealing performance, such as finned tube cooling, multi-layer cooling web cooling tank, Peltier cooling, and other methods [26,27,28], to cool the magnetic fluid sealing device.
Magnetic fluid evaporation involves single-group liquid–gas conversion two-phase flow and multi-group liquid–gas mixed two-phase flow. The research on the internal mechanism is insufficient, and the relevant experimental data available at present cannot reach a general conclusion. The key parameters such as MHD pattern and temperature can be obtained more clearly by means of a numerical method combined with experimental measurements. The relevant data obtained by coupling the magneto-viscosity characteristics with the speed change can provide an accurate reference for the practical engineering of MHD sealing.
2. Materials and Methods
In a sealed gap, the main modes of heat transfer are heat conduction and heat convection. Due to the small volume of magnetic fluid in the gap, heat convection can be ignored. The calculation model is a three-dimensional cylinder model, so the differential equation of heat conduction is as follows [29]:
where is the density, kg/m3; is the specific heat capacity, J/(kg·K); is the thermal conductivity, W/(m·K); is the heat of formation of the internal heat source in unit volume in unit time, W/m; and is time, s.
The solid content of the magnetic fluid and particle surfactants can affect the thermal conductivity of the magnetic fluid. Maxwell, the classical model for calculating particle–fluid mixing, is universally applicable. The calculation formula for thermal conductivity is as follows [30]:
where is the thermal conductivity of the magnetic fluid; is the thermal conductivity of the base carrier fluid; is the thermal conductivity of the magnetic particles, W/m·K; and is the magnetic fluid volume fraction.
Specific heat capacity is the heat capacity of a substance per unit mass, that is, the heat absorbed or released when the unit mass object changes the unit temperature, which affects the speed of the substance entering the normal heat transfer. At present, the most commonly used formula for calculating the specific heat capacity of magnetic fluid at a constant pressure [31] is as follows:
Specific heat capacity is an important physical quantity that describes the ability of a substance to absorb or dissipate heat. It is defined as the ratio of heat absorbed by a substance per unit mass to the increase in temperature. The lower corner mark c is the specific heat capacity of the base carrier liquid, p is the specific heat capacity of the particle, and ff is the specific heat capacity of the magnetic fluid. (, J/kg·K.
When the magnetic fluid is rotating and sealing, the main shaft drives the magnetic fluid to rotate, and the viscous force of the magnetic fluid produces a viscosity thermal effect, resulting in the temperature of the magnetic fluid rising. The temperature rise is calculated as follows [25]:
where Q is the heat generated by the viscosity of the magnetic fluid, J; Cm is the mass heat capacity (specific heat capacity) of the magnetic fluid, J/(kg·K); and ∇T is the temperature rise in the magnetic fluid, K.
According to the friction dissipation power, the heat flux in the seal gap can be obtained, and the calculation formula is as follows [32]:
where r1 is the radius of the rotating shaft and r2 is the radius inside the pole shoe, , because the sealing gap is usually very small; it can be approximated as ≈ , , so the heat flux formula is simplified as follows:
Due to the movement of the magnetic fluid in the seal gap, the mass conservation equation is as follows:
where , , and represent the velocity of the magnetic fluid along the x, y, and z directions, respectively, and is the density of the magnetic fluid (kg/m3).
3. Numerical Model
The magnetic fluid seal structure [17] is composed of magnetic fluid, a rotating shaft, a pole shoe, and a permanent magnet. Based on the literature [33,34], the initial structure of the MFS was designed. The simplified model is shown in the figure below, where the sealing gap is 0.2 mm, the pole tooth height is 3 mm, and the pole tooth width is 3 mm. The permanent magnet carries out axial magnetization. The pole shoe and rotating shaft material are made of Steel-1008, and the permanent magnet is made of NdFeB material. The residual magnetic flux density is 1.29 T and the coercivity is 8.42 × 105 A/m. Because the viscosity of the magnetic fluid is related to the strength and temperature of the magnetic field, it is necessary to calculate the magnetic field of the magnetic fluid sealing device.
The magnetic field was numerically simulated using Maxwell 19.2. Since the magnetic fluid seal is rotationally symmetric, the model was simplified to a two-dimensional axial model. The permanent magnet is axially magnetized, and the boundary condition is a Vector Potential Boundary (the magnetic field at infinite distance is zero; the magnetic field at the boundary is tangent to the boundary and will not leak outside the boundary), the sealing gap is 0.2 mm, the grid is 0.1 mm, and the external size is 50%.
According to the calculated magnetic field strength results, a rheometer was used to measure the rheological properties of the magnetic fluid with different solid contents under this magnetic field strength. In order to accurately measure the relationship between the temperature and the viscosity of the magnetic fluid samples, the temperature adjustment accuracy was set to 0.1 °C. After the equipment was set and adjusted, the viscosity temperature curve was measured with a rheometer.
The viscosity of the magnetic fluid at normal temperature was measured as the initial viscosity, and the temperature field of the magnetic fluid in the seal gap was calculated using Fluent. The rotational speed increased successively by 100, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000, 3500, and 4000 r/min. The relationship between the magnetic fluid viscosity and temperature is defined through the User Define Function. The UDF program is shown as follows:
#include “udf.h”
#define B
#define B1
DEFINE_PROPERTY(cell_viscosity, c, t)
#define e 2.71828
real mu_lam;
real temp = C_T(c, t);
mu_lam = B+B1*pow(e, -temp/C);
return mu_lam;
The values of B, B1, and C are changed according to the fitting formula.
Figure 1 is the simulation calculation model. The external temperature of the sealing device is set to 293 K. The phase transition of the magnetic fluid is mainly caused by the evaporation of the base liquid. The evaporation temperature of the liquid paraffin oil is 393 K, so the magnetic fluid phase variable temperature is set to 393 K. The magnetic fluid is a paraffin oil-based magnetic fluid, and its particles are coated with stearic acid and dispersed in the paraffin oil. Among them, the specific heat capacity at constant pressure of the Fe3O4 particles is 670 (J/kg K), and that of paraffin oil is 2135 J/(kg K), which is calculated using Formula (3) to obtain the data in the following table. The thermal conductivity under the corresponding conditions can be calculated according to Formula (2), but the formula does not consider the interaction between particles. Therefore, a Sweden Hot Disk TPS2500S thermal conductivity meter is used to measure the thermal conductivity, and the actual reference data are shown in Table 1 below.
This study involves the calculation of viscous heat production and two-phase heat transfer. It is necessary to use the energy equation, the viscosity heat effect equation, and the mixture model, and the fluid domain and the solid domain are the coupled heat transfer at the interface.
4. Result Analysis
4.1. Magnetic Field Analysis and Relation Between Magnetic Fluid Viscosity and Magnetic Field
It can be seen from Figure 2a that the magnetic induction intensity is symmetrically distributed in the sealed device. The magnetic fluid is mainly concentrated at the bottom of the pole tooth and is affected by the magnetic induction intensity at the bottom of the pole tooth. In order to obtain the magnetic induction intensity of the magnetic fluid, three monitoring points are selected at the bottom of the pole tooth to monitor the magnetic induction intensity of the magnetic fluid at different positions.
It can be seen in Figure 2b that the magnetic induction strength of the magnetic fluid gradually weakens along the shaft diameter. The average value of the monitoring linear magnetic induction at a strength of 1, 2 and 3 is taken as the viscosity temperature curve of the magnetic fluid to test the magnetic induction strength. According to the calculation, the magneto-liquid magnetic induction intensity is 2.27 T.
Figure 3 shows the relationship between the viscosity of the magnetic fluid with different solid contents and the magnetic field. As can be seen in the figure, when the magnetic field intensity increases between 0 and 0.4 T, the viscosity of the magnetic fluid increases with the increase in the magnetic field intensity. When the magnetic field intensity reaches 0.5 T, the viscosity of the magnetic fluid is in the maximum saturation state. When the magnetic field is greater than 0.5 T, the viscosity basically no longer changes, so the magnetic field size is set to 1 T when measuring the relationship between the magnetic fluid viscosity and temperature.
4.2. Viscosity–Temperature Curve Analysis of Magnetic Fluid
The test condition of the rheometer was set to 1 T and the shear rate to 10 s−1 (which can be regarded as the static state of the MHD device), and the viscosity of the magnetic fluid under different conditions was obtained by continuously increasing the temperature, as shown in Figure 4. When the magnetic field is constant, the liquid viscosity decreases with the increase in temperature until it becomes stable, and the viscosity increases with the increase in solid content, indicating that the viscosity is greatly affected in the low temperature range, and the viscosity changes slowly in the high temperature range. The main reason is that when the temperature rises, the motion amplitude of the molecules inside the liquid increases, and the distance between the molecules also increases, resulting in a corresponding decrease in the gravitational attraction between the molecules. When the magnetic fluid reaches a certain temperature, the influence of the intermolecular motion on the viscosity is relatively weak. The measurement data were processed using Origin software 2024, and data fitting was carried out. The corresponding fitting formula is shown in Table 2. R2 is the coefficient of determination, looking at the degree of correlation between variables and how well the curve fits. The closer the value of the determination coefficient is to 1, the better the degree of fit. It can be concluded that the influence of temperature on the viscosity of magnetic fluid is obvious, and the temperature of ordinary liquid is similar to the exponential type change.
4.3. Influence of Different Working Conditions on Magnetic Fluid Temperature
4.3.1. Relationship Between Magnetic Fluid Temperature and Rotational Speed
The data on the magnetic fluid in Chapter 3 was input into the software for numerical simulation, and the following results were obtained. Table 3 shows the rising and floating values of the maximum temperature of the magnetic fluid with different solid contents during operation. It can be seen from the table that the maximum temperature differences of the 30%, 40%, and 50% magnetic fluids are not obvious at the rotating speeds of 100, 500, 1000, and 1500 r/min. With the continuous rise in rotational speed, the 30% magnetic fluid temperature rises the fastest.
Figure 5 compares the temperature distribution cloud map of the same magnetic fluid under different rotational speeds. Driven by the rotating shaft, the magnetic fluid produces heat due to viscous force, resulting in a temperature rise. When the rotational speed is constant, the velocity of the magnetic fluid near the surface of the shaft is similar to the rotational speed, but the magnetic fluid at the top of the pole tooth has no velocity (velocity tends towards 0). There is a large velocity gradient in the seal gap, and the velocity gradient value decreases along the radial direction. According to the law of viscosity, when two adjacent layers of fluid move relative to each other due to different flow rates, the liquid near the surface of the object creates internal friction, and this part of the energy is eventually converted into heat. Additionally, the viscous force is proportional to the velocity gradient, so the maximum value of the magnetic fluid temperature appears in contact with the shaft surface, and the minimum value appears in contact with the bottom of the pole tooth.
According to Figure 4, the maximum temperature of the magnetic fluid rises rapidly between the speeds of 100 and 1500 r/min, indicating that the temperature of the magnetic fluid rises rapidly in the low speed range, but after 1500 r/min, the temperature of the magnetic fluid rises slowly with the increase in the speed, and the maximum temperature gradually decreases. The specific data are shown in Table 4. As the speed increases, the heat generated by the magnetic fluid due to the viscous force continues to increase, so that the overall temperature of the sealing device continues to rise, resulting in faster heat exchange with the outside world. However, as the temperature increases, the magnetic fluid viscosity continues to decrease until it becomes stable, and the heat generated gradually decreases and reaches stability, so the temperature increment decreases as the speed increases.
Figure 6 shows the shear rate distribution of the magnetic fluid at different rotational speeds. It can be seen from the figure that the shear rate has an obvious gradient change, gradually decreasing from the outer boundary to the inside of the liquid. The shear rate high-value area appears near the outer boundary of the axis, and the shear rate size distribution has left and right symmetry, corresponding to the highest temperature of the magnetic fluid temperature cloud map.
Figure 7 shows the temperature distribution cloud map of the magnetic fluid with different solid contents at the same rotational speeds. It can be seen from the figure that the temperature distribution cloud maps for the 30%, 40%, and 50% magnetic fluids are similar, and the temperature reaches its maximum at the surface of the shaft and continuously moves to the center of the magnetic fluid. However, in addition to the maximum temperature on both sides of the shaft surface, the temperature of the center of the magnetic fluid is also higher than that of the rest of the shaft, which may be caused by the effect of phase transition. At this speed, evaporation loss begins to occur inside the magnetic fluid, while the magnetic fluid with a 20% solid content has the smallest viscosity, and the vaporization area appears in the middle of the magnetic fluid and on both sides of the rotating shaft. The temperature of the bubble in the liquid is higher than that of the liquid, and the bubble needs to obtain more energy from the outside to maintain the gas state, so the internal temperature of the bubble is higher than the external temperature.
4.3.2. Relationship Between Magnetic Fluid Temperature and Solid Content
Figure 8 shows the relationship between the maximum temperature of the magnetic fluid with different solid contents and the rotational speed. According to the picture, when the rotational speed is constant, the maximum temperature of the magnetic fluid changes with different solid contents, and the maximum temperature of the magnetic fluid with a 30% to 50% solid content has a small difference, indicating that the temperature changes in the magnetic fluid after the solid content reaches 30% are relatively close. Before 1500 r/min, the magneto-liquid viscosity is not stable and changes greatly with the change in temperature. At this time, the specific heat capacity, thermal conductivity, and viscosity of a substance all have an impact on the magneto-liquid temperature. The magneto-liquid absorption temperature is much higher than the release temperature, and the temperature gradient changes faster. However, after 1500 r/min, the liquid viscosity reaches a stable state. At this time, the maximum temperature of the magnetic fluid increases with the decrease in solid content. This may be because the difference between the heat transfer of the liquid to the outside world and the heat absorption of the liquid becomes smaller and smaller with the increase in thermal conductivity, and the rise in the liquid temperature decreases, meaning the temperature rises more and more slowly. Among the different fluids, the 20% magnetic fluid has the lowest total rising temperature and the 30% magnetic fluid has the highest magnetic fluid temperature, and the temperature can reach 421.2023 K at 4000 r/min. When the rotational speed reaches 2500 r/min, the temperature gradient between the magnetic liquids with different solid contents gradually becomes stable.
The operating temperature of the paraffin oil-based magnetic fluid shall not exceed 393 K; exceeding this temperature would not only cause a gasification phase change in the base load liquid, but also cause the magnetic fluid particles to gather together, forming aggregate particles and reducing the stability of the magnetic fluid, resulting in a loss in volume of the magnetic fluid, affecting the service life of the sealing device. For this reason, the magnetic fluid device, to ensure long-term stable use, must increase the corresponding cooling measures.
4.4. Effect of Different Working Conditions on Phase Transformation of Magnetic Fluid
4.4.1. Relationship Between Magnetic Fluid Phase Transformation and Rotational Speed
When the operating temperature of the sealing device is higher than that of the magnetic fluid, the magnetic fluid undergoes a phase change, resulting in a volume loss in the magnetic fluid and reducing the service life of the magnetic fluid sealing device. According to the above simulation of the highest temperature of magnetic fluids with different rotational speeds and different solid contents, it can be concluded that the 20% magnetic fluid reaches the critical value at 3000 r/min, whereas the 30%, 40%, and 50% magnetic fluids reach the critical value at 1000 r/min, and the liquid begins to undergo phase transformation.
In order to study the influence of different rotational speeds on the variable distribution of the magnetic fluid phase, the 50% magnetic fluid was selected for the mixture transient calculation, and the corresponding parameters were set: the time step was 0.01 s and the gas–liquid conversion temperature was 393 K. Figure 8 shows the gas phase distribution cloud map when the 50% magnetic fluid was operated for 1 s at different rotational speeds. An assumption can be drawn from Figure 9, that when the operating temperature reaches the critical temperature, the liquid in the seal gap begins to change. During this process, the magnetic fluid continues to absorb heat, resulting in intense molecular movement inside the liquid; the liquid begins to transform into a gas, and continuous small bubbles continue to accumulate and merge to produce bubble film. As the temperature rises, the magnetic fluid first evaporates on the surface of the axis connected to the external environment, and then it gradually diffuses inward in a nonlinear form. The red part is the complete vaporization part, and the green part is in the critical state of vaporization.
As can be seen from Figure 9a–g, the vaporization of the same magnetic fluid becomes more and more obvious as the rotational speed increases. When the rotational speed reaches 2000 r/min, vaporization begins to form a separate gas region in the middle of the device. As the rotational speed continues to rise, the two sides fuse with the middle vaporization region, which may be because the temperature in the middle region is relatively low compared to the axial surface temperature on both sides, so the base liquid loses less and the magnetic fluid concentration is low. In the fusion process, the bubbles move to the area with a low object concentration, so the gases on both sides move to the middle to form a new gas region.
The bubble in the magnetic fluid in the seal gap cannot not float off the wall easily, which may be due to the large viscosity of the magnetic fluid and the small bubble formation, resulting in its buoyancy being lower than the resistance, and the bubbles being blocked from floating up, resulting in the flat boundary of the bubble moving to both sides. Then, the magnetic fluid near the polar tooth end receives a stronger magnetic field strength, and the magnetic fluid gathers on the upper side of the polar tooth end; finally, as the temperature continues to rise, the bubble does not float away from the wall. The two sides and the middle vaporization area fuse to form a larger vaporization module, and the magnetic fluid direction continues to move toward the edge of the pole teeth, causing the sealing cavity to connect with the outside world through the vaporization channel; eventually leading to the failure of the seal.
4.4.2. Relationship Between Magnetic Fluid Phase Transformation and Solid Content
According to the relationship between the solid content and the maximum temperature of the magnetic fluid, when the rotational speed is 1500 r/min, the maximum temperature of magnetic fluid is similar. Therefore, magnetic fluids with different solid contents at this rotational speed were selected for the vaporization numerical calculation, the gas phase transition distribution of different magnetic fluids in the gap at the same temperature was studied, and the relationship between the solid content and the magnetic fluid phase change was obtained, as shown in Figure 10. It can be seen from the figure that the phase transition distribution of different magnetic fluids is basically the same at the same temperature. With the increase in solid content, the specific heat capacity of the magnetic fluid increases and the heat absorption capacity of the liquid is enhanced, but the thermal conductivity also increases, and the heat transfer ability of the liquid from inside to outside is enhanced, so the phase transition distribution of different magnetic fluids at the same temperature is not very different.
5. Experimental Study
5.1. Test Apparatus
According to the above calculation results, an experimental device for research on the heat transfer characteristics of magnetic fluid in the clearance of a sealing device was established, and the experimental device was simplified as follows for measurement: under ideal conditions, the magnetic fluid itself does not have axial work input and output in the clearance, and the heat generated by the magnetic fluid mainly comes from its viscous force, so the viscous dissipation power of the magnetic fluid was regarded as a heat source.
Magnetic fluids with different solid contents were selected as the experimental research objects, and the test equipment is shown in Figure 11. The heating device is composed of a heating rod and a DC power supply, which can adjust different currents and voltages at the same time to provide constant input power to the heating rod, enabling the research team to measure the heating rod after preheating for 1 min before the test. There are two connecting ports on the axial surface of the magnetic fluid sealing device connected to the magnetic fluid at the upper end of the pole tooth (measuring point 1) and the axial surface of the clearance end of the tooth groove seal (measuring point 2). The temperature of the corresponding point was measured with the temperature sensor detection device. The measurement time of each working condition was 120 min. The data acquisition value on the computer was exported and processed.
5.2. Effect of Heating Power on Temperature Characteristics of MHD
According to the above calculation results, an experimental device for research on the heat transfer characteristics of magnetic fluid in the clearance of a sealing device was established, and the experimental device was simplified as follows for measurement: under ideal conditions, the magnetic fluid itself does not have an axial work input and output in the clearance, and the heat generated by the magnetic fluid mainly comes from its the viscous force, so the viscous dissipation power of the magnetic fluid was regarded as a heat source.
Figure 12a–c show the changes in paraffin oil-based magnetic fluid with different solid contents (30%, 40%, and 50%) and heating times under different heating powers (10 W, 20 W, 40 W, and 60 W). The results show that the temperature of the magnetic fluid in the seal gap increases with the increase in heating power, and the time for the magnetic fluid to reach the relative thermal stability state also increases with the increase in heating power. Additionally, before the temperature of the magnetic fluid reaches a relative stability, the temperature rise increases with the increase in power, which is consistent with the change trend in the maximum temperature of the magnetic fluid at different rotational speeds. When the power of the heating rod increases and the heat transferred to the gap increases, the magnetic fluid temperature at the lower end of the channel is much higher than the temperature at the upper end of the pole tooth, resulting in an enhanced convective heat transfer inside the channel and an increase in the time for the temperature to reach a relatively stable level.
Figure 12d shows the shaft surface temperature at detection point 2. This temperature has nothing to do with the liquid content in the seal gap, and represents the temperature transmitted by the heating rod to the shaft surface. The shaft surface temperature increases with the increasing power.
According to Table 5, which shows the stable temperature of the magnetic fluid under different heating powers, the magnetic fluids with different solid content ratios and the same base liquid have little changes in temperature within the range of 10 °C at the same power, indicating that the working conditions of the same magnetic fluid with different solid contents are similar, which is consistent with the rule of numerical calculation. In each working condition, the increase in the magnetic fluid temperature after the heating power of different the magnetic fluids increases compared with that in the previous working condition, which is shown in Figure 13. For the same magnetic fluid, with the increase in power, the magnetic fluid temperature continues to rise, but the temperature increment difference gradually slows down, which is because the temperature difference between the magnetic fluid temperature and the outside world is small in the early stage, and the heat dissipation to the outside world is faster when the difference reaches a certain value. For the same heating power, the thermal physical properties of different magnetic fluids are different for the absorption of heat, and the increase gap is relatively small.
6. Conclusions
Temperature has a huge impact on the stability of magnetic fluid sealing devices; high-speed viscosity is an important factor affecting the magnetic fluid temperature, not only leading to the accumulation of magnetic particles and magnetic fluid loss, but more seriously, also leading to seal failure. These problems seriously affect the life of mechanical seals. In this paper, the temperature and phase changes of a magnetic fluid under different working conditions are discussed via numerical simulation and experimental research. The following conclusions are drawn:
A rheometer was used to test the viscosity of a ferromagnetic fluid at different temperatures, and a nonlinear relationship between the viscosity and temperature was found. The visco-temperature mapping followed the rule that viscosity decreased until it reached stability, as the temperature increased. This can be expressed by the formula
Viscous heat is the main heat source of the magnetic fluid rotary seal. When the viscosity of the magnetic fluid changes, the thermodynamic characteristics of the seal structure also change significantly, but the precedent follows the distribution law of the highest temperature at the contact position between the magnetic fluid and the shaft surface and the lowest temperature at the contact position with the bottom of the pole teeth.
In the magnetic fluid dynamic seal structure, the maximum temperature of the device caused by viscous heat increases with the increase in speed, and the temperature gradient decreases with the increase in speed. Because the thermal conductivity and specific heat capacity of the magnetic fluid with different magnetic particle contents and the same base liquid have little differences in thermal physical parameters, the solid content has little influence on the magnetic fluid temperature.
When the magnetic fluid temperature is higher than the vaporization temperature, the phase transition appears on the surface of the axis and is similar to the temperature distribution, and the phase transition area presents a nonlinear shape and diffuses inward (the shape is similar to a parabola). As the temperature continues to rise, the gases on both sides continue to gather in the middle of the pole tooth until fusion and finally expand and connect with the outer gas.
Author Contributions
Conceptualization, X.H. and Z.L.; writing—original draft preparation, X.H.; analysis, X.H. and Z.L.; software, X.H., J.Q. and J.M.; experiment, X.H. and J.Q.; resources, C.C. and C.S.; data curation, J.M. and C.C. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
This research was funded by the “National Natural Science Foundation of China, grant number 52379092”; “Qinghai Institute of Technology “Kunlun talent” talent introduction project, grant number 2023-QLGKLYCZX-32”; “Chengdu Science and Technology Bureau project, grant number 2024-YF09-00003-GX”; “Project of China Changjiang Power Co., LTD, grant number 2324020007”; “Jiangsu South-to-North water diversion technology research and development project”, grant number JSNSBD202303”; and “Open Research Subject of Key Laboratory of Fluid and Power Machinery (Xihua University), Ministry of Education, grant number LTDL-2024016”.
Data Availability Statement
The original contributions presented in the study are included in the article, and further inquiries can be directed to the corresponding author.
The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers and the editor for their valuable and insightful suggestions.
Conflicts of Interest
Authors Jie Min and Chuanshi Cheng were employed by the company China Yangtze Power Co., Ltd. Author Changrong Shen was employed by the company South-to-North Water Diversion East Route Jiangsu Water Source Co., Ltd. The remaining authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.
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Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the model.
Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the model.
Figure 2. (a) Distribution of magnetic induction intensity from lower end of pole teeth to shaft surface. (b) Cloud map of magnetic induction intensity distribution.
Figure 2. (a) Distribution of magnetic induction intensity from lower end of pole teeth to shaft surface. (b) Cloud map of magnetic induction intensity distribution.
Figure 3. Effect of magnetic field strength on viscosity of magnetic liquid.
Figure 3. Effect of magnetic field strength on viscosity of magnetic liquid.
Figure 4. Viscosity–temperature curves of magnetic fluid with different solid contents: (a) 20%; (b) 30%; (c) 40%; (d) 50%.
Figure 4. Viscosity–temperature curves of magnetic fluid with different solid contents: (a) 20%; (b) 30%; (c) 40%; (d) 50%.
Figure 5. Cloud image of 50% magnetic fluid distribution at different rotational speeds: (a) 500 r/min; (b) 1000 r/min; (c) 1500 r/min; (d) 2000 r/min; (e) 2500 r/min; (f) 3000 r/min; (g) 3500 r/min; (h) 4000 r/min.
Figure 5. Cloud image of 50% magnetic fluid distribution at different rotational speeds: (a) 500 r/min; (b) 1000 r/min; (c) 1500 r/min; (d) 2000 r/min; (e) 2500 r/min; (f) 3000 r/min; (g) 3500 r/min; (h) 4000 r/min.
Figure 6. Shear rate of magnetic fluid at different speeds: (a) 500 r/min; (b) 1000 r/min; (c) 1500 r/min; (d) 2000 r/min; (e) 2500 r/min; (f) 3000 r/min; (g) 3500 r/min; (h) 4000 r/min.
Figure 6. Shear rate of magnetic fluid at different speeds: (a) 500 r/min; (b) 1000 r/min; (c) 1500 r/min; (d) 2000 r/min; (e) 2500 r/min; (f) 3000 r/min; (g) 3500 r/min; (h) 4000 r/min.
Figure 7. Temperature distribution cloud map of magnetic fluid with different solid contents at 3000 r/min: (a) 20%; (b) 30%; (c) 40%; (d) 50%.
Figure 7. Temperature distribution cloud map of magnetic fluid with different solid contents at 3000 r/min: (a) 20%; (b) 30%; (c) 40%; (d) 50%.
Figure 8. Relationship between maximum temperature and rotational speed of magnetic fluids with different solid contents.
Figure 8. Relationship between maximum temperature and rotational speed of magnetic fluids with different solid contents.
Figure 9. Cloud image of gaseous phase distribution of 50% magnetic fluid:; (a) 1000 r/min; (b) 1500 r/min; (c) 2000 r/min; (d) 2500 r/min; (e) 3000 r/min; (f) 3500 r/min; (g) 4000 r/min.
Figure 9. Cloud image of gaseous phase distribution of 50% magnetic fluid:; (a) 1000 r/min; (b) 1500 r/min; (c) 2000 r/min; (d) 2500 r/min; (e) 3000 r/min; (f) 3500 r/min; (g) 4000 r/min.
Figure 10. Isogram of the gas phase distribution of different magnetic fluids at the same temperature: (a) 30%; (b) 40%; (c) 50%.
Figure 10. Isogram of the gas phase distribution of different magnetic fluids at the same temperature: (a) 30%; (b) 40%; (c) 50%.
Figure 11. Sealing gap magnetic fluid temperature measurement test device. (1—Data acquisition interface; 2—Data collector; 3—Temperature sensor; 4—DC power supply; 5—Heating device; 6–Magnetic fluid sealing device; Red dot—monitoring point).
Figure 11. Sealing gap magnetic fluid temperature measurement test device. (1—Data acquisition interface; 2—Data collector; 3—Temperature sensor; 4—DC power supply; 5—Heating device; 6–Magnetic fluid sealing device; Red dot—monitoring point).
Figure 12. Temperature changes over time at different power levels: (a) 30% solid content magnetic fluid; (b) 40% solid content magnetic fluid; (c) 50% solid content magnetic fluid; (d) axial surface.
Figure 12. Temperature changes over time at different power levels: (a) 30% solid content magnetic fluid; (b) 40% solid content magnetic fluid; (c) 50% solid content magnetic fluid; (d) axial surface.
Figure 13. Temperature increments for magnetic fluid at different powers.
Figure 13. Temperature increments for magnetic fluid at different powers.
Table 1. Thermal properties of magnetic fluid with different solid contents.
Table 1. Thermal properties of magnetic fluid with different solid contents.
Magnetic Fluid Numbering | Volume Fraction | Density (g/cm3) | Thermal Conductivity (W/(m·K)) | Specific Heat Capacity (J/(kg·K)) |
50% | 3.39% | 1.368 | 0.207 | 3000 |
40% | 4.76% | 1.112 | 0.189 | 2463 |
30% | 8.07% | 0.949 | 0.171 | 2095 |
20% | 14.57% | 0.888 | 0.163 | 1949 |
Table 2. Fitting viscosity–temperature curves of magnetic fluid with different solid contents.
Table 2. Fitting viscosity–temperature curves of magnetic fluid with different solid contents.
Magnetic Fluid Numbering | Viscosity–Temperature Curve Fitting Formula | R2 |
50% | 0.982 | |
40% | 0.978 | |
30% | 0.958 | |
20% | 0.977 |
Table 3. Temperature rise table for magnetic fluids under different working conditions (K).
Table 3. Temperature rise table for magnetic fluids under different working conditions (K).
Temperature Rise (K) | ||||||||||
Rotational Speed | 100 | 500 | 1000 | 1500 | 2000 | 2500 | 3000 | 3500 | 4000 | |
50% | 7.12 | 43.17 | 92.12 | 110.47 | 114.47 | 117.27 | 119.76 | 121.80 | 123.67 | |
40% | 4.22 | 47.04 | 89.10 | 111.30 | 116.99 | 120.58 | 123.45 | 125.97 | 128.20 | |
30% | 3.93 | 45.47 | 95.87 | 111.31 | 118.29 | 122.25 | 125.42 | 128.21 | 130.67 | |
20% | 0.78 | 13.29 | 43.15 | 68.21 | 85.02 | 99.89 | 102.89 | 104.59 | 105.58 |
Table 4. Maximum temperature of magnetic fluid at different rotational speeds.
Table 4. Maximum temperature of magnetic fluid at different rotational speeds.
Temperature Rise (K) | |||||||||
Rotational Speed (r/min) | 100 | 500 | 1000 | 1500 | 2000 | 2500 | 3000 | 3500 | 4000 |
50% | 300 | 346 | 395 | 403 | 407 | 410 | 413 | 415 | 417 |
Table 5. Stable temperature of magnetic fluid under different heating conditions.
Table 5. Stable temperature of magnetic fluid under different heating conditions.
Heating Rod Power (W) | 30% (°C) | 40% (°C) | 50% (°C) |
10 | 28.801 | 26.801 | 25.301 |
20 | 41.0651 | 36.0651 | 33.5651 |
40 | 62.285 | 58.285 | 54.132 |
60 | 86.275 | 82.275 | 78.995 |
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